Elon Musk(イーロン・マスク)の名前は広く知られていますが、当社TeslaはElon Musk(イーロン・マスク)が創立したアメリカ発祥のグローバル企業であり、持続可能なエネルギーによるグリーンな世界の実現を目指し、電気自動車や蓄電池などの製品を提供しています。
Tesla Japan 合同会社へようこそ、一緒に未来を創りましょう!!
Tesla (テスラ) is not just one of the world's largest electric vehicle (EV) manufacturers. It is an AI enterprise that develops and applies advanced technologies such as energy and robots.
You may have often heard the name Elon Musk. Our company, Tesla, is a global company founded by Elon Musk and originated in the United States. With the goal of realizing a green world through sustainable energy, we deal with products such as electric vehicles and energy storage batteries.
Our electric vehicles equipped with cutting-edge technologies like smartphones are recognized as a new kind of vehicle and are changing the traditional concept of cars. With its technology highly evaluated, it has a top-level market capitalization in the automotive industry. As a company with over 100,000 employees worldwide and supporting zero emissions, it attracts attention globally.
【Tesla Vision】
Accelerate the transformation of the world into sustainable energy. Under this grand mission, we are doing our utmost in Japan.
【Deployment in Japan】
In Japan, there are 13 Tesla stores. Currently, we are still expanding our bases. Service centers (maintenance bases) and superchargers are also expanding across the country. In addition to electric vehicles, energy-related businesses can also be seen in Japan. We provide customers with the highest quality products and services.
We are looking for passionate and talented people. We are recruiting comrades to change the world together.
Join Tesla Japan, let's create the future together!