部署・役職名 | Bilingual IT Network Lead |
職種 | |
業種 | |
勤務地 | |
仕事内容 |
- To lead a team of technical staff (bilingual communication in Japanese & English required) - To ensure that systems are documented and kept current. - To own and maintain the network infrastructure for online services and ensure availability, meeting agreed OLAs and SLAs of 99.99%. This includes all network environments within the managed platforms across multiple data centres. - Management and maintenance of Internet facing network devices and address space on platforms - Management of technical developments of operational importance and participation in developing or setting standards as directed. - To work with partners to ensure that their networks are configured and maintained to support the levels of availability required. - To work with the architecture, infrastructure engineering and delivery teams to ensure that the network infrastructure remains current, performs to standard and is well understood. |
労働条件 |
■雇用形態 正社員 管理監督者分類:無(ケースによっては有) 労働時間区分:みなし労働時間制 みなし労働時間制の種類:専門業務型裁量労働制 一日当たりのみなし労働時間:8時間 ■給与 月給:(更新中)300,000円~620,000円 ※経験・能力など考慮の上、当社規程により決定 裁量労働手当:60,000円~80,000円 昇給:あり 賞与:あり ■勤務時間 9:00~18:00 (実働8時間・フレックスタイム制有、コアタイム10:00~16:00) ■休日/休暇 年次有給休暇(初年度10日 ※入社日によって異なる場合有)、完全週休2日制(土曜日・日曜日)、祝日、年末年始、慶弔休暇、育児・介護休業 ■福利厚生 保険:健康・厚生年金・雇用・労災保険 制度:財形貯蓄・確定拠出年金・カフェテリアプラン(選択型法人会員福利厚生サービス) ※財形貯蓄・確定拠出年金は正社員のみ対象 施設:法人会員施設(スポーツクラブ、温泉保養所、ホテル他) |
応募資格 |
【必須(MUST)】 - Excellent business level written and verbal skills a must in Japanese and English.- In-depth understanding of IP networking including routing, switching and addressing concepts - Operational and deployment experience of firewalls and have been exposed to VPNs on those platforms - Taking lead in managing the network team, setting goals, building capabilities, coaching and providing feedback, driving change and innovating ideas 【歓迎(WANT)】 - Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university required in Computer Science, MIS, Engineering, or equivalent computer related degree- Demonstrated ability to identify, understand and communicate business needs for technical projects. - Performance Monitoring, WAN optimization, DMZ deployment environments, Linux and network switching - Must be effective with oral and written communication and be able to present complex technical concepts in an informative way to non-technical staff. They must be prepared to produce business presentable documentation for all change and project related work as required. - Ability to adapt easily to change, can manage in an uncertain environment and manage multiple tasks with competing interests for time and evolving priorities |
アピールポイント | 外資系企業 従業員数1000人以上 年間休日120日以上 産休・育休取得実績あり 資格支援制度充実 女性管理職実績あり 上場企業 シェアトップクラス 教育・研修制度充実 自社サービス・製品あり 創立30年以上 新規事業 海外事業 |
更新日 | 2020/12/16 |
求人番号 | 1408176 |