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Consultant 機械学習、深層学習等のAI領域

年収:1000万 ~ 1300万


部署・役職名 Consultant 機械学習、深層学習等のAI領域
仕事内容 Consultant

Job Summary
Our company is the world leader in technical computing, system simulation and embedded code generation tools. We are seeking an engineer with a passion for AI, especially for data analytics, deep learning to join our Consulting Services team. In this role you will lead our customers use OUR SOLUTION M and associated tools to analyze their data, create classification/regression models and build/deploy applications. Application focus areas include anomaly detection, object detection/classification, data analysis and image processing – for wide range of industries, such as automotive, manufacturing, medical devices and pharmaceuticals. Project work may also involve computer vision and signal processing. The location for this position is in Our company’ office in Tokyo.

By collaborating with the colleagues and customers to deliver technically challenging project
Lead customers in a variety of engineering disciplines by utilizing wide range of your technical expertise and application of OUR SOLUTION M
Planning and organizing the resources to successfuly complete projects
Interact directly with OUR SOLUTION M development team to resolve tough customer issues and identify new product features
Opportunities to work with customers closely



Minimum Qualifications
A bachelor's degree and 5 years of professional work experience (or a master's degree, or equivalent experience) is required.

Additional Qualifications
Industry experience in areas such as Deep Learning, Machine Learning, algorithm design and application deployment.
Strong programming skill for above technical areas, such as OUR SOLUTION M, Python or C++/C#
Strong communication skill
Japanese and English communication skill

更新日 2021/12/28
求人番号 2007161



  • 3.47
  • ヘッドハンターの氏名は会員のみ表示されます
  • 会社名は会員のみ表示されます

    • 東京都
    • 慶應義塾大学 法学部 法律学科
  • 金融 コンサルティング IT・インターネット
    • 求人企業との強力なパイプを持っています。特にIT業界につきましてはIBM勤務時代より現在に至るまで、業界の変化を見てきており、業界各社の状況など常に最新情報を捉えております。
    • (2014/11/19)

