部署・役職名 | Data Scientist Consultant |
職種 | |
業種 | |
勤務地 | |
仕事内容 |
【Senior Data Scientist (+5 years experience)】 Senior Manager Role Description - Manages large and complex analytical projects from data exploration, model building, performance evaluation and testing - Works with clients / stakeholders to design, deliver insights and develop solutions using multiple sources of structured, semi-structured and unstructured data - Acts as an intermediary between the business / client community and the technical community - Presents complex solutions and options in a simplified manner for clients / business Responsibilities - Leads the delivery of large projects and data science insights using a range of tools and methods and serves as a best practice resource for team members - Builds internal relationships with key stakeholders across the business as well as externally with the client and technical community - Ensures robust governance around data ethics and use of data within data science models, setting policies and procedures - Develops new data sources internally and externally and identifies large projects and opportunities through close collaboration with the business, client and technical community 【Data Scientist (+3 years experience)】 Senior Consultant/ Manager Role Description - Develops and reviews complex data analytics models, algorithms, systems and solutions, using advanced and specialist data science, programming and analytical techniques - Delivers complex predictive models and identifies new projects, opportunities and data sources which can be used to drive measurable client and commercial benefit - Provides insights and recommendations from different data sources to senior team members to help make decisions that drive better business outcomes for clients Responsibilities - Works closely with senior team members to scope, identify and establish appropriate data analysis methodologies for projects - Seeks new data sources internally and externally that enable leading edge data science solutions - Develops complex statistical modelling tools that drive business outcomes for clients, involving complex algorithms, artificial intelligence methods, machine learning, deep learning and advanced statistics - Confidently uses visual tools to communicate data insights and links data to business outcomes. |
労働条件 |
【勤務地】 2022年6月1日より「遠隔地リモート勤務」を導入します。 これまでは「各オフィスへの通勤圏内での居住」が必要でしたが、今後は特定の要件を満たす場合は「居住地不問(日本国内のみ)」となります。 ・概要:本人が希望し、遠隔地リモートで業務を支障なく遂行できると会社が認めた場合 ・認定基準:①職務の適格性 ②本人パフォーマンス ③クライアントサービスの質の向上 ・適用要件:①遠隔地前提雇用※入社後の移住も可、②育児、③介護 ・居住地 :日本国内であればどこでも可 ・出社頻度:チームや業務の必要に応じて適宜 ・通勤費 :月額上限5万円(新幹線、飛行機使用可) ・在宅手当:月5,000円 【その他詳細】 面談時にお伝えいたします。 |
応募資格 |
【必須(MUST)】 【Senior Data Scientist (+5 years experience)】Senior Manager Technical Skills & Knowledge - Understanding in quantitative approach such as Statistics, Machine Learning, Computer Science, Econometrics - Expertly uses all technologies and skills to design and deliver business solutions for clients (internal or external) Experience - Quantitative experience - Customer facing experience - Extensive experience with most of the technologies and skills (R, Python, Julia, C, C++) - Experience contributing to research activity and/or designing and leading delivery of training, and/or internal events 【Data Scientist (+3 years experience)】 Senior Consultant/ Manager Technical Skills & Knowledge - Understanding in quantitative approach such as Statistics, Machine Learning, Computer Science, Econometrics - Demonstrates solid knowledge of a good proportion of related skills and technologies - A high level of proficiency with at least one programming language (R, Python, Julia, C, C++) - Demonstrates ability to use the most complex skills and technologies Experience - Experience working on multiple projects requiring a wide range of skills and technologies, including the most complex ones (Data Science related) - Experience extracting data from structured and semi-structured data - Strong experience using a variety of data mining / data analytics methods and tools, building and implementing models, query languages and programming - Experience delivering training in specific topics |
アピールポイント | 外資系企業 女性管理職実績あり 2年連続売り上げ10%以上UP 産休・育休取得実績あり 教育・研修制度充実 資格支援制度充実 社内公用語が英語 従業員数1000人以上 完全土日休み |
リモートワーク | 可 「可」と表示されている場合でも、「在宅に限る」「一定期間のみ」など、条件は求人によって異なります |
受動喫煙対策 | その他 「就業場所が屋外である」、「就業場所によって対策内容が異なる」、「対策内容は採用時までに通知する」 などの場合がその他となります。面接時に詳しい内容をご確認ください |
更新日 | 2024/05/23 |
求人番号 | 2314056 |