部署・役職名 | Foreign-licensed attorney(外国法インハウス弁護士):インハウスポジション |
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仕事内容 |
自社ファーム:Japanグループのコーポレート部門法務 (Office of the General Counsel) にて、ご活躍いただきます。 【Summary】 Seeking foreign-licensed attorney, with fluent English and Japanese skills, and approximately 2-4 years previous legal experience to work in the Office of General Counsel (“OGC”) providing support to and collaborating with partners and staff. 【Job Description】 ●Provide advice, in Japanese or English as required, to partners and staff of our company regarding legal risks as well as various risks in general in various aspects of business transactions, especially (but not limited to) consulting/advisory services, that the partners and staff provide to outside clients ●Working with other members of OGC, participate in the drafting and review of various policies and procedures ●Review, draft and negotiate all types of contracts in English used for consulting/advisory services in Japan, and associated non-disclosure agreements, subcontracting agreements and alliance contracts ●Coordinate with various stakeholders with respect to seal and execution procedures following completion of contract negotiations ●General experience in dealing with other types of contracts and advising clients in legal settings other than those described above ●Coordinate with risk management groups of company (other than OGC) with respect to dealing with risk management issues and incidents faced by our company ●Coordinate with the Global Office of the General Counsel of the our network, as well as the Offices of the General Counsel of other territories’ our firms, with respect to various global and cross-border projects and initiatives that are to be implemented in Japan ●Assist with various internal projects required for OGC to run smoothly ●Take responsibility for other tasks as requested by the General Counsel or other members of OGC |
労働条件 |
【諸手当】:時間外勤務手当、通勤手当、出張手当等 【勤務時間】:標準労働時間1日7時間、コアなしフレックスタイム制、在宅勤務(リモートワーク)制度有 【休日】:土、日曜、祝祭日、年末年始 【休暇】:年次有給休暇(年20日)、傷病休暇、リフレッシュ休暇、慶弔休暇、試験休暇、出産特別休暇(有給)、育児特別休暇(有給) 、介護特別休暇(有給) 、子の看護休暇、公傷休暇等 【教育研修】:コアスキル研修、専門研修、海外研修、英語プログラム(英語学校費用補助、サマースクール研修等)、社内英語研修等 【福利厚生】:各種社会保険加入(健康保険、介護保険、厚生年金、雇用保険、労災保険等)、退職金制度(確定拠出年金、公認会計士企業年金基金)、慶弔見舞金、団体生命保険、長期所得補償保険、資格取得支援制度、契約施設・ホテル・スポーツクラブ等割引利用、各種クラブ活動、ベビーシッター補助、保活支援サービス、カウンセリング制度等 屋内禁煙、屋内原則禁煙 |
応募資格 |
【必須(MUST)】 【Necessary Qualifications】●Licensed foreign attorney (preferably a U.S. jurisdiction) ●Minimum 2 years of experience in private practice (i.e., law firm) – which is preferred – or a combination of private practice and in-house legal department ●Strong legal analytical, negotiation and drafting skills – in Japanese and English ●Strong sense of appreciation of the need to promote coordination and collaboration among relevant groups to deal with risk management issues and incidents faced by a business organization ●Fluency in Japanese and English, both written and oral ・外国法弁護士資格(US/UK/AUのいずれか) ・弁護士事務所経験、事業会社でのインハウス経験など 【歓迎(WANT)】 【Desired】●The ideal candidate will be a Japanese native level speaker with near-native, fluent English ●Able to communicate well and work in a cross-functional team – in Japanese and English ●Experience with data protection issues and/or technology transactions is not necessary, but a plus ●Ability to identify and escalate issues timely and appropriately ●Ability to work under pressure and prioritize ●Team player |
リモートワーク | 可 「可」と表示されている場合でも、「在宅に限る」「一定期間のみ」など、条件は求人によって異なります |
受動喫煙対策 | 喫煙室設置 |
更新日 | 2023/02/10 |
求人番号 | 2590346 |