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  3. 求人検索
  4.  > Designer Apparel
  5.  >  Creation Center Tokyo-Design



Designer Apparel, Creation Center Tokyo-Design

年収:800万 ~ 1000万



アディダス ジャパン株式会社

  • 東京都

    • 資本金499百万円
    • 会社規模501-5000人
  • アパレル・ファッション
  • 流通
部署・役職名 Designer Apparel, Creation Center Tokyo-Design
仕事内容 ■Purpose & Overall Relevance for the Organization:
Designs market right Women Sportswear ranges for the brand as part of an international design team in cooperation with marketing (product management) and development

■Essential Duties & Responsibilities:
・Design and develop creative solutions to concepts within the assigned category or specialty area or project. Present the
 designs in context to the category direction.
・Implement the creative vision in a product range for the category.
・Self-Manage own creative process and execute towards given design languages within the category.
・Execute design work according to the visual language of as well as given Corporate Identity guidelines according to  
 legal guidance.
・Verbally present product ideas and details with clarity
・Ensure efficient process and communication flow between design, marketing and development (within x- functional team) for  
 all issues regarding the designed ranges and products
 Ensure proper handover of sketches into development. Main duty is to submit all relevant information needed for the  
 development process such as sketches, detail sketches, fabric and trim indication, artworks …
・Visualize ideas for products and ranges with a high degree of expertise.
・Creating 3D concept representation, 3D assets, digital product information for an accurate development and decision-making  


■Knowledge Skills and Abilities:
・Strong knowledge of fashion design
・Strong presentation and communication skills
・Good knowledge of product development, material and trims for assigned product range
・Passion for Design
・High level of creativity
・Knowledge and use of Macintosh computer design software/systems (Photoshop, Illustrator)
・Intermediate level in English
・Strong 3D skills and knowledge of virtual tools will be a plus.
 APP tools: Clo3D, Browzwear, VStitcher or similar 3D fashion design tools

■Requisite Education and Experience / Minimum Qualifications:
・Bachelor’s degree (B.A.) from a college or university, major Design or Fashion & Apparel Design or equivalent professional  
・3 -5 years of practical experience in design environment.

アピールポイント 自社サービス・製品あり 外資系企業 女性管理職実績あり 従業員数1000人以上 年間休日120日以上 産休・育休取得実績あり 教育・研修制度充実 資格支援制度充実 Uターン・Iターン歓迎 完全土日休み フレックスタイム



更新日 2023/07/19
求人番号 2861868


アディダス ジャパン株式会社
  • アディダス ジャパン株式会社
  • 東京都

    • 資本金499百万円
    • 会社規模501-5000人
  • アパレル・ファッション
  • 流通
  • 会社概要

    【本社所在地】東京都港区六本木1丁目9番10号アークヒルズ 仙石山森タワー

