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  4.  > E&Eソフトウェアシステム開発担当 | E&E software system engineer



E&Eソフトウェアシステム開発担当 | E&E software system engineer

年収:800万 ~ 1700万




  • 東京都

    • 資本金50,000百万円
    • 会社規模非公開
  • 自動車・自動車部品
部署・役職名 E&Eソフトウェアシステム開発担当 | E&E software system engineer
仕事内容 ■チームのミッション/責任
Software Defined Vehicleに相応しいE&Eアーキテクチャの企画・開発。大量のセンシングデバイスからの入力・クラウドへの接続を前提とした大規模なソフトウェアを統合的に稼働させ、また車両販売後もOTAによるソフトウェアメンテナンス・アップデートを行って継続的に価値を高めていくための、ハードウェアからサービスまで調和の取れた開発・設計。

・AUTOSAR Adaptive/Classicをベースとしたソフトウェアプラットフォームの要求仕様策定、設計、実装、評価

また、AFEELAにおけるOver The Airによるファームウェア書き換えプロジェクトにおける開発担当。以下の理解をもとに開発を進めていただきます。
・NAND/NOR Flash ROMの理解
・Linux/QNX OS上での経験

・規格:AUTOSAR Adaptive/Classic、POSIX
・その他:GitHub、Wireshark、Docker、Virtual ECU等


■Team’s Mission / Responsibilities
Planning and development of E&E architecture appropriate for software-defined vehicles. Integrated hardware through services development and design for operation of large-scale software system connecting to large-scale data from sensing devices and to the cloud, as well as continuously increasing value through software maintenance and updates via OTA after vehicle sales.

■Job description
You will be responsible for the software development of ECUs used in autonomous driving and advanced driver assistance systems, with a deep understanding of the following technologies:

●Requirements definition, design, implementation, and evaluation of software platforms based on AUTOSAR Adaptive/Classic.
●Design of common middleware for running autonomous driving and safety assistance applications.
●Design of network architecture for cloud connectivity.
●You will also contribute to the development of the Over The Air firmware update project for AFEELA based on the following knowledge:
・Understanding of NAND/NOR Flash ROM.
・Experience with Linux/QNX OS.
・Understanding of OS boot sequence.
・Understanding of CPU architecture.
・Secure communication and integrity verification technologies using encryption, electronic signatures, and certificates in networks.
・Experience in development using C/C++ is desirable.

Development Tools and Technologies:

・Standards: AUTOSAR Adaptive/Classic, POSIX
・Languages/Models: C++, C
・Others: GitHub, Wireshark, Docker, Virtual ECU, etc.

■Experience and skills gained through this role

・Platform design technology to support continuously evolving autonomous driving and safety assistance systems.
・Challenge of horizontal division of labor in the IT field, which is different from traditional OEMs.
・Acquisition of advanced OTA system development skills, such as robust program rewriting and distribution technologies, through Sony Group's OTA technology.
・Infrastructure design technology to support continuously evolving systems.
労働条件 ■雇用形態

Full-time, permanent position (Probationary period: First 3 months)

経験や能力を考慮の上、当社規定により決定 / Based on skills, experience, and abilities

東京都港区赤坂 9-7-2 ミッドタウン・イースト 9階 Midtown-East 9th floor, 9-7-2 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Possibility of working in other bases

フレックスタイム制 / Flex time
リモートワーク可 / Available for remote working

土日、祝日 完全週休二日制 / Two days off per week, National holidays
年次有給休暇・慶弔休暇他 / Paid Leaves, congratulatory and bereavement leave etc.

選択型確定拠出年金制度、社内コミュニケーション費用支援、出張時の休暇接続取得 他 / Optional defined contribution pension plan, Time off during business travel

健康保険、厚生年金、雇用保険、労災保険 / Health Insurance, National Welfare Pension, Employment Insurance, Worker's Compensation

屋内禁煙 / No smoking on site






■Required skills / experience

3+ years of software development experience in the following areas and development environments.
Experience Areas:

●Development of IoT software with cloud connectivity.
●Development of AUTOSAR compliant software.
●Development of client-server systems based on TCP/IP.
●For OTA, you will have the skills to implement software for FW rewriting using OTA based on the following knowledge and experience:
・ Encryption, electronic signature, and certificate technologies.
・Secure implementation.

Development Environment:

・Languages: C, C++
・Environment: AUTOSAR CP/AUTOSAR AP or POSIX compliant OS AAOS
・Ability to quickly respond to new environments.



(4G/5G/LTE/Bluetooth/Ethernet/NFC/Wi-Fi/ETC2.0/CAN 等)
・NAND/NOR Flash ROMの特性、制御

■Preferred skills / experience

3+ years of software development experience in the following areas and development environments.
Experience Areas:

・Knowledge and development experience in communication technologies (4G/5G/LTE/Bluetooth/Ethernet/NFC/Wi-Fi/ETC2.0/CAN etc.).
・Characteristics and control of NAND/NOR Flash ROM.
Understanding of OS boot sequence.
・System architecture design.


■Language Skills
Required: TOEIC 600 or higher (or those who currently have a TOEIC score of 500 or higher but can challenge for a score of 600 or higher after joining the company).
Desirable: TOEIC 900 or higher.
アピールポイント 創立5年以内 ベンチャー企業 女性管理職実績あり 20代管理職実績あり 年間休日120日以上 産休・育休取得実績あり 教育・研修制度充実 資格支援制度充実 日系グローバル企業 新規事業 海外事業 完全土日休み フレックスタイム



更新日 2024/03/08
求人番号 3354220


  • ソニー・ホンダモビリティ株式会社
  • 東京都

    • 資本金50,000百万円
    • 会社規模非公開
  • 自動車・自動車部品
  • 会社概要

    【代表者】代表取締役 会長 兼 CEO 水野 泰秀・代表取締役 社長 兼 COO 川西 泉
    【本社所在地】東京都港区赤坂9-7-2 東京ミッドタウン・イースト 9階

