部署・役職名 | Pangle | Product Marketing Manager - JP/KR 急成長グローバルIT企業 |
職種 | |
業種 | |
勤務地 | |
仕事内容 |
Responsibilities 1. Responsible for managing and operating Pangle products and business development in Japan and South Korea, focusing on the Japanese market. 2. Work closely with the HQ and regional PSO teams to proactively support the local sales team in developing the Pangle business strategy, enhance local and HQ teams' collaborations, align priorities, and allocate resources to support identified growth initiatives. 3. Develop, manage, and execute Pangle's Global GTM programs in collaboration with HQ vertical solution and regional teams to launch new products and solutions into regional markets. 4. Support regional business-operation teams in realizing business opportunities through scalable internal and external activities, e.g., client engagements, seminars, training sessions, etc.,. 5. Function as regional POC to provide in-depth market insights from industry, external agencies/clients, and internal cross-functional teams, as well as partner with the HQ teams to develop or optimize product solutions facilitating the local market needs. 6. Actively engage in Key Accounts (KA) development and revenue growth initiatives by providing Pangle product recommendations and customized solutions, analyzing performance data, resolving growth blockers, and ultimately driving product adoptions and penetrations. 7. Daily monitor business performance, interpret revenue trends and develop business strategy and tactics backed by data points. 8. Conduct regular research to gather customer feedback and lead product development and iteration. |
労働条件 |
【勤務時間】 ・10:00~19:00(フレックスタイム制度有/コアタイムはチームによって異なる) ・状況に応じてリモートワークも可能 【休日・休暇】 完全週休二日制/土・日、祝日、年末年始、お盆休み(4日)、有給休暇(一年目:12日) 【待遇・福利厚生】 ・昇給(評価レビューあるいは給与の見直し) ・交通費(月5万円まで) ・社会保険完備(雇用・労災・健康・厚生年金) ・時間外手当、出張手当 ・私服勤務可 |
応募資格 |
【必須(MUST)】 1. Bachelor's degree or above, with at least 5 years of experience in the internet industry, preferably with experience in mobile internet, advertising technology and E-commerce;2. Client-centric, with proven record support and grow business through effective GTM efforts. 3. Data-sensitive, with clear logical thinking; strong learning attitude and ability to work under pressure; 4. Solid project management skills, communication skills, team collaboration, and a sense of ownership. 5. Proactive in nature, capable of self-navigating the ambiguities and presenting solutions and recommendations for the leadership team. 6. Capable of working independently with strong self-motivation. 7. Fluent in English as a working language, Mandarin capability is a strong plus. |
アピールポイント | 自社サービス・製品あり 外資系企業 ベンチャー企業 女性管理職実績あり 20代管理職実績あり シェアトップクラス 2年連続売り上げ10%以上UP 年間休日120日以上 産休・育休取得実績あり 教育・研修制度充実 従業員数1000人以上 海外事業 管理職・マネージャー |
リモートワーク | 可 「可」と表示されている場合でも、「在宅に限る」「一定期間のみ」など、条件は求人によって異なります |
受動喫煙対策 | 喫煙室設置 |
更新日 | 2025/01/08 |
求人番号 | 3408088 |