部署・役職名 | Research Scientist - Campaign Science, our Institute of Technology |
職種 | |
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仕事内容 |
Department Overview Our Institute of Technology, our core AI research wing, is spread across six geographical locations including Tokyo, Singapore, Boston, San Mateo, Bengaluru, and Paris. This division consists of AI research scientists with specialization in machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, computer vision, knowledge discovery and data mining. At our Campaign Science Team, we are conducting cutting-edge research in the areas of reinforcement learning and bandit algorithms, with the goal of enhancing user experience and marketing efficiency for businesses within us. Why We Hire We are looking for talented research scientists with a robust strong research background and a strong motivation to join an exciting team that is constantly evolving and pushing the envelope on AI and its applications. Position Details - Work on research projects in reinforcement learning and bandit algorithm applications. - Develop state-of-the-art algorithms and implement prototypes. - Join the discussion on short/middle-term direction of projects while communicating with business, product and engineering team. - Work with Project Management team to gather business requirements, set evaluation metrics and assess if the solution meets expectations. - Support engineering teams and product teams to adapt prototypes in production. - Contribute to the advancement of science via writing papers, attending conferences, and submitting patent proposals. |
労働条件 |
【待遇】 ◇雇用形態 正社員 ◇賞与 年2回、6月・12月に会社及び個人の業績により支給 ◇休日休暇 休日:土曜、日曜、祝日 休暇:夏期冬期休暇、年次有給休暇、特別休暇(産前産後休暇・育児休暇・結婚休暇など) ◇サポート ・各種社会保険完備(厚生年金保険、健康保険、労災保険、雇用保険) ・通勤交通費 ・社員持株会 ・スポーツ クラブ法人会員 ◇人事育成制度 ・入社時研修 ・階層別研修 ・特別研修(幹部育成) ・事業部ごとのOJT ・英語学習サポート(社内TOEIC IPテスト・英会話など) ・外国人向け日本語学習サポート ・クロスカルチャートレーニング ◇社内サービス ・ライブラリ(個人学習スペース) ・スポーツジム ・カフェテリア(朝食・昼食・夕食無料)*地域によって食事券の支給の場合あり ※和洋中のプレートやカレー、パスタ、寿司など、豊富な日替わりメニューが用意されています。 ◇イベント ・クラブ活動 ・納会 ・ハワイアンサマー ・オープンファミリーデー など |
応募資格 |
【必須(MUST)】 - Master’s degree in computer science, mathematics, physics or equivalent practical experience.- Publication record in area of machine learning, reinforcement learning, or have experience of productizing research outcomes in an industry. - English fluency and ability to communicate effectively with researchers, engineers, and business stakeholders. - Strong programming experience in one or more of the following: Python, R, Scala, Java, C, C++ - Self-motivated and willingness to take challenges to new technologies, research problems and services - Strong interest in the application of bandit algorithms or reinforcement learning. 【歓迎(WANT)】 - Doctoral degree in computer science, mathematics, physics, or equivalent practical experience.- Experience in researching and applying bandit algorithms or reinforcement learning. - Passion for contributing to businesses by applying innovative solutions to real-world problems. - Development experience in Unix/Linux. - Experience in distributed computing, such as Spark and Hadoop. |
リモートワーク | 不可 |
受動喫煙対策 | その他 「就業場所が屋外である」、「就業場所によって対策内容が異なる」、「対策内容は採用時までに通知する」 などの場合がその他となります。面接時に詳しい内容をご確認ください |
更新日 | 2024/07/31 |
求人番号 | 3726516 |