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Data Center Construction Manager

年収:1000万 ~ 1500万



アマゾン ウェブ サービス ジャパン合同会社

  • 東京都

    • 会社規模非公開
  • インターネットサービス
部署・役職名 Data Center Construction Manager
仕事内容 The Data Center Construction Manager (CM) is responsible for managing some of the most technical, cost efficient, and fast paced construction project schedules achievable. Amazon Construction Managers are constantly challenged to drive continuous improvement and deliver the highest quality, most technically efficient data centers in the world.

Responsibilities of the Data Center Construction Manager:
At Amazon we are a global team responsible for the design and operation of industry leading, geographically diverse, large scale critical facilities. Each team member is a highly motivated individual with demonstrated construction management and analytical expertise in the areas of complex, mission critical facilities. Daily responsibilities will include all aspects of the entire data center lifecycle construction starting with the site feasibility, through the procurement of the design teams and design review, daily construction oversight, and commissioning of completed facilities.

The Data Center CM will be responsible for:

・Project management and oversight of construction related activities for new builds or general capital projects in Kanto area. This will include the ownership of the project scope, timeline, and budget.
・Driving costs down and schedules shorter while maintaining quality.
・Provide Construction Management for specific initiatives aimed at increasing the resiliency of our data centers.
・Review of constructability of electrical and mechanical system and building designs associated with the construction of new data centers or the optimization of existing data centers.
・Creation of project scope and equipment requirements, assist with request for proposals, and capital requests.
・Total project quality including the assisting with commissioning and integrated system testing and oversight of the execution of the project.
・Issue/Manage the Request for Information process during construction and coordinate construction administration with engineers
・Recording and reporting key metrics to team members and management.
・Concurrently managing multiple projects including new data center building and capital improvement projects associated with existing data centers.
・Operational support of installed facilities including review of procedures, best practices, and maintenance initiatives.
・Be a leader within the group as well as within internal and external teams that support the data center.
・Travel to data center sites for electrical systems audits, mechanical system reviews, constructability reviews, startup testing, and full commissioning, as required.


・5+years of work experience in design, construction or program management on construction projects.
・Be able to read and interpret construction related drawings for all disciplines.
・Possess problem solving skills.
・Be a motivated, highly dependable individual that can work under remote direction.
・Ability to evaluate the constructability of new technologies, and determine construction methods of data center equipment and facilities. Ability to carry new design concepts through exploration, development, and into deployment/mass production.
・Ability and willingness to think outside of the box to find creative and innovative solutions prior to and during the construction process to reduce costs and schedules with no impact on quality and reliability.
・Possess excellent communication skills in Japanese and is able to manage multiple local vendors and stakeholders at the construction site.
・Possess business level communication skills in English and Japanese and have an attention to detail, and be able to maintain high quality standards.


・Bachelor’s degree in Construction Management, Architecture, Structural, Civil, Mechanical or Electrical Engineering
・Experience directly related to the design or construction of large data center facilities, either colocation or client owned/operated.
・Previous vendor and contractor/subcontractor negotiation and management skills associated with construction and project execution.
・Experience with fast track design/build projects and or multiple significant upgrade projects.
・Knowledge of Japanese building codes and regulations including Fire Codes, Building Codes, Energy Efficiency Codes, Sanitary Codes and Safety Codes and DA submittals.
・Knowledge and experience with large scale mechanical and power systems.
・Experience in power and mechanical system reliability and risk assessment studies (SPOF)
・Experience with mechanical air handling units, power management and power monitoring systems ・Ability to define data center system-level architecture, specify/document performance and equipment requirements to vendors and contractors, communicate conceptual designs, and create/maintain project documentation before, during and after construction.

アピールポイント 自社サービス・製品あり 外資系企業 2年連続売り上げ10%以上UP シェアトップクラス 年間休日120日以上 産休・育休取得実績あり 教育・研修制度充実 女性管理職実績あり 資格支援制度充実 地域活性化事業 新規事業


更新日 2024/07/30
求人番号 3733635


アマゾン ウェブ サービス ジャパン合同会社
  • アマゾン ウェブ サービス ジャパン合同会社
  • 東京都

    • 会社規模非公開
  • インターネットサービス
  • 会社概要

    【代表者】白幡 晶彦(しらはた あきひこ)代表執行役員社長

    Amazonが総合オンラインストアの展開で長年培ってきた クラウドコンピューティング技術から生まれたアマゾン ウェブ サービス (AWS)。 サーバやストレージ、DB等、システムインフラの大幅なコスト削減や柔軟な増減を可能とし、世界中に革新をもたらしました。日本においては2009年からアマゾン データ サービス ジャパンとしてサービスを開始。短期間で急成長を遂げ、すでに先進的な企業から大企業まで、幅広い企業様にご活用いただいています。

