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  5.  >  Marketing Intelligence & Analyst Relations



Senior Lead, Marketing Intelligence & Analyst Relations

年収:1000万 ~ 1700万




  • 東京都

    • 資本金27,622百万円
    • 会社規模非公開
  • SIer
  • その他
部署・役職名 Senior Lead, Marketing Intelligence & Analyst Relations
仕事内容 キンドリルを信頼できるブランドとしての立場を築いていくための戦略アドバイザーとして、弊社の経営陣の経営戦略に関する意思決定に大きな影響力を持つ重要な役割を担います。具体的には、マーケットデータの収集と分析を行い実用的なインサイトをシニアリーダーに提供するほか、キンドリルの戦略的ビジョンと強みを業界アナリストや市場で影響力を持つ方々に効果的に伝えるための活動をお任せします。

The Role:
In this vital role at Kyndryl Japan, the professional will serve as a strategic advisor, enhancing executive decision-making and building a positive reputation in the market through expert integration of Market Intelligence and Analyst Relations. Responsibilities include gathering and synthesizing market data to provide actionable insights that guide senior leadership in strategic planning. Additionally, the role involves fostering strong relationships with leading industry analysts to effectively communicate Kyndryl Japan’s strategic vision and innovations.

This position is crucial for positioning Kyndryl Japan as a leader in the industry, ensuring that both internal strategies are informed by cutting-edge market intelligence and that external perceptions reflect the company’s values and achievements.

Market Intelligence :
Lead and innovate in market sizing initiatives, developing deep insights into competitors through analysis of strategies, partnerships, and market performance.

Provide strategic advice based on detailed market analysis, highlighting trends, buyer behaviors, and emerging opportunities to support Kyndryl’s practice leaders and geographic strategies.

Collaborate with external agencies to integrate diverse data sources and methodologies, ensuring comprehensive market research outcomes.

Analyst Relations :

Establish and maintain strong relationships with key industry analysts and influencers, effectively communicating Kyndryl's strategic vision and market differentiators.

Manage and execute engagement strategies, including research participation, event presentations, and regular updates to analysts on Kyndryl’s offerings and innovations.

Coordinate with Kyndryl executives for analyst briefings, ensuring effective dissemination of company’s value propositions and strategic initiatives.

Combined Duties

Serve as a liaison with the global Market Intelligence and Analyst Relations teams, synchronizing efforts across regions to align global strategies with localized insights and analyst engagement.

Act as a central advisor, leveraging both market intelligence and analyst relations to guide corporate strategies, enhance Kyndryl’s reputation, and support business objectives across various markets.


Master’s degree or MBA in Marketing and/or Information Technology preferred.

Professional Experience:
Minimum 5 years of experience in the Technology Industry, with specific expertise in IT.
Proven track record in market research and analysis (3+ years), particularly in secondary data analysis.


Key Skills:

Strong ability to communicate complex insights through effective storytelling and presentations.
Experience in Infrastructure Managed Services is beneficial.
Demonstrated capacity to work effectively across functions, influencing both internal stakeholders and external analysts.
Comfort with data-driven decision making and critical problem solving.

アピールポイント 外資系企業 上場企業 従業員数1000人以上 年間休日120日以上 産休・育休取得実績あり 教育・研修制度充実 資格支援制度充実 マネジメント業務なし 完全土日休み フレックスタイム



更新日 2024/08/14
求人番号 3774362


  • キンドリルジャパン株式会社
  • 東京都

    • 資本金27,622百万円
    • 会社規模非公開
  • SIer
  • その他
  • 会社概要

    【本社所在地】東京都港区六本木六丁目10番1号 六本木ヒルズ森タワー43階




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