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  4.  > Real World Data Scientist



Real World Data Scientist

年収:800万 ~ 1000万




  • 東京都

    • 資本金103,001百万円
    • 会社規模5001人以上
  • 医薬品メーカー
部署・役職名 Real World Data Scientist
仕事内容 (雇入れ直後)
Contributes to the efficient planning, execution and reporting of clinical or observational studies, post hoc, HTA, regional analyses with an appropriate level of independence
• Is responsible for the quality and timeliness of all statistical deliverables of the assigned tasks
• Authors / reviews: synopsis, protocol, statistical analysis plans (SAP), Case Report Forms (CRF), Data Validation Plans, tables listings and figure (TLF) specifications
• Performs statistical analyses in accordance with protocol, SAP, good statistical practice, and available regulatory guidelines.
• Reviews all outputs for validity and completeness. QC inferential statistical analyses.
• Monitors timelines and progress, leads and organizes review meetings, such as TLF review meetings, and classification meetings.
• Contributes to clinical study reports, other reports or publications by providing statistical interpretation of the results.

Personal development / Collaboration
• Collaborates with other study team members (e.g. programmer, data manager, clinical study manager, study medical lead) influencing team members from all disciplines on statistical design, analysis and methodology topics
• Partners and communicates effectively with other Data Science (DS) functions.
• Develops expertise beyond statistics by researching medical literature, understands clinical, regulatory, and commercial landscape and builds an adequate network with academic, regulators and industry peers
• Keeps current on statistical methodology and programming skills



PhD in Biostatistics, Statistics/related scientific field with internship experience in applying statistical methods in biomedical research, Pharma, CRO, Academia or Healthcare industry
or M.S in Biostatistics, Statistics/ related scientific field with 3+ years of experience in applying statistical methods in biomedical research, Pharma, CRO, Academia or Healthcare industry
Good knowledge and skills in SAS required, knowledge of R preferred

<必須 / Required>
Language skill: English in business TOEIC>730, Japanese writing/talking in fluent

アピールポイント 自社サービス・製品あり 日系グローバル企業 女性管理職実績あり 上場企業 従業員数1000人以上 シェアトップクラス 創立30年以上 年間休日120日以上 産休・育休取得実績あり 教育・研修制度充実 完全土日休み フレックスタイム 月平均残業時間20時間以内


更新日 2024/08/21
求人番号 3797507


  • アステラス製薬株式会社
  • 東京都

    • 資本金103,001百万円
    • 会社規模5001人以上
  • 医薬品メーカー
  • 会社概要

    【代表者】岡村 直樹
    【従業員数】14,484名 (2023年3月期末時点、連結ベース)


