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  4.  > 【アステラス製薬株式会社】iPSC Biologist (Scientist I)
  5.  >  Advanced Modeling & Assay
  6.  >  Discovery Intelligence



【アステラス製薬株式会社】iPSC Biologist (Scientist I) , Advanced Modeling & Assay, Discovery Intelligence

年収:800万 ~ 1300万




  • 東京都

    • 資本金103,001百万円
    • 会社規模5001人以上
  • 医薬品メーカー
部署・役職名 【アステラス製薬株式会社】iPSC Biologist (Scientist I) , Advanced Modeling & Assay, Discovery Intelligence
仕事内容 当社は日本発のグローバル製薬メーカーとして、日本を中心に米州・欧州・アジア・オセアニアに拠点を構え、先端・信頼の医薬で、「世界の人々の健康に貢献する」という経営理念の下、イノベーションを継続的に創出し、患者さんのニーズに応える革新的な医療ソリューションを届けていくという一貫した姿勢で歩んでおります。

【募集の背景 / Purpose & Scope】
Advanced Modeling & Assay (AMA) is responsible for the development of advanced assay platforms leveraging digital and robotics technologies through integrating external cutting-edge science. AMA also establish, implement and globally expand human in vitro modeling platforms by using technologies, such as biology/cell-based screening, iPSC, cell/organ model (microphysiological system, organoid) and proteome analysis.
This position is a biologist who develops the next generation advanced cell assay platforms using iPSC based technology.
・Establish and conduct of differentiation method from human iPS cells.
・Establish platform for stable and timely production of high-quality, functional iPSC-derived cells and tissues for medical applications.
・Promote development and utilization of advanced cell models using iPSC-derived cells and tissues

【職務の内容 / Essential Job Responsibilities】
- Establish and conduct of differentiation methods from human iPS cells. Conduct scale up culture. Create scientific data in collaboration with an internal team or cross-functional team
- In the assigned area, execute the activities that are required to build new assay platform by using technologies, such as digital technology for automation/visualization, iPSC/MPS, Biology/cell-based screening and proteome analysis.
- Provide ideas to develop Modality/Technology platforms by utilizing existing research platform.
- Apply scientific rationale to assigned job, including experimental design, analysis, and interpretation.
- Learn from senior members and co-work for the common issues in the collaboration.
- Adhere to research compliance and laboratory safety.
- Utilize external expertise and cutting-edge science into in-house research.
- Utilize digital transformation with knowledge of digital technology.
- Conduct research activities to ensure that a team meets its milestones and all other objectives in collaboration with the other research divisions, CROs and external collaborators.


【勤務地 / Location】
茨城県つくば市 アステラス製薬 つくば研究センター
Tsukuba, Ibaraki
※JRひたち野うしく駅とつくばエクスプレス(TX) 研究学園駅より通勤バスがございます。
労働条件 【勤務開始日 / Start Date】
Will be decided according to the candidate's flexibility

【契約期間 / Contract Duration】
Not limited to specified period

【試用期間 / Probation Period】
No probation period in principle

【給与 / Salary】
①Base salary: will be decided by the candidate's experience, skill and capability.
②When Discretionary Work System is applied: Discretionary work allowance will be paid.(50,000~100,000yen, based on the Grade)
③When Flextime System is applied: Overtime allowance will be paid for time worked in excess of prescribed working hours.

【昇給 / Salary Raise】

【賞与 / Bonus】

【諸手当 / Allowance】
裁量労働手当、住宅手当、通勤手当 等
Discretionary work allowance, Housing allowance, Commutation allowance, etc.

【勤務時間 / Working Hours】
8:30~17:30(月~木)、8:30~15:45(金)、専門業務型 裁量労働制
Flex-time system or Discretionary Work System

【休日 / Holidays】
Weekends(Sat and Sun), holidays, May 1st, summer vacation, New Year holidays

【休暇 / Vacation Leave】
年次有給休暇、育児休業制度、介護休業制度 等
Annual paid leave, childcare leave system, nursing care leave system, etc.

【福利厚生 / Welfare】
雇用保険、労災保険、厚生年金、健康保険、共済会制度、社宅制度、持株会制度、財形貯蓄制度 等
Employment Insurance, Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance, Welfare Pension Insurance, Health Insurance, Mutual Aid Association System, Company Housing System, Employee Shareholder Association System, Property Accumulation Savings System


- Technical proficiency in stem cell research and/or regenerative medicine through 3+ year experience
- Satisfying two or more as follow.
・Experiences for development of differentiation method from iPS cells
・Experiences for development of cell-based assay
・Experience working on drug discovery projects
- Communication skills (active & passive) in own language and in English
・ Join discussion in scientific meetings and regular research
・ Giving presentations


- Experience of technical transfer
- Experience of working for external collaboration
- Knowledge and experience on AI and/or robotics

【応募要件 / Qualifications】
Three years or more of working experience at a biotech/pharmaceutical company or the equivalent experience at academic research
- Knowledge and experience of drug discovery and development
- Experience of working in cross functional environment
- Experimental skills
アピールポイント 自社サービス・製品あり 日系グローバル企業 女性管理職実績あり 上場企業 従業員数1000人以上 シェアトップクラス 創立30年以上 年間休日120日以上 産休・育休取得実績あり 教育・研修制度充実 完全土日休み


更新日 2024/09/09
求人番号 3855316


  • アステラス製薬株式会社
  • 東京都

    • 資本金103,001百万円
    • 会社規模5001人以上
  • 医薬品メーカー
  • 会社概要

    【代表者】岡村 直樹
    【従業員数】14,484名 (2023年3月期末時点、連結ベース)


