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  4.  > スイス高級時計 Brand Director



スイス高級時計 Brand Director

年収:1200万 ~ 1900万




  • 東京都

    • 資本金100百万円
    • 会社規模101-500人
  • その他
  • 小売
部署・役職名 スイス高級時計 Brand Director
仕事内容 Duties / Responsibilities / Competences
Strategy and planning
- Prepares the sales/marketing and communications plans for the country
- Establishes sales/expense budgets for the division and is responsible for achieving it in line with Brand policy for the country
- Prepares the division’s management reports
- Responsible for the budget, balance sheet and income statement for the division
- Responsible for the execution of delivery and payment terms/accounts receivable in line with the SWATCH GROUP policy for the country
- Informs the Country Manager of all and every extraordinary or irregu-lar points and elements in the field of his responsibility.

Sales management
- Sales of products
- Distribution/sales strategies to be implemented in line with brand’s parent company strategy
- Suggests and executes the distribution policy for the country in line with SWATCH GROUP and Brand HQ overall distribution policy
- Pricing of products according to the international pricing policy of the brand and in line with defined SWATCH GROUP policy for the country
- Responsible for the purchase from Switzerland and the control of in-ventory levels (qualitative/quantitative) in line with SWATCH GROUP policy for the country. Responsible that the inventory level shall not exceed maximum amounts set forth by SWATCH GROUP policy.

Marketing & PR
- Adopts brand’s marketing concept for the country, assisted by Country Manager in line with brand’s worldwide concept
- Local adaptation of communication concept for the brand, assisted by the Country Manager and in line with the brand’s worldwide concept
- Gives recommendations and consults with the Brand HQ about overall product strategies, communication strategies and distribution strate-gies (to be done in close cooperation with Country Manager)
- Supervises the proper use of display material by customers
- Supervises the merchandising of customers in line with the marketing policy of Brand HQ
- Assists the Country Manager in establishing an SWATCH GROUP spirit within the SWATCH GROUP Country Organisati (efficiency, unity, cooperation)

People management
- Motivate the team and create an environment of overall collaboration,
communication and exchange of information within the department,
between the market and all internal departments of SG
- Ensure that all team is familiar with and respect all SG and SGJwork regulations
Reporting lines
The BM reports in a double reporting line
to the brand’s HQ in Switzerland/Europe for sales, distribution, marketing and communication policy issues to the country manager for all administrati-ve, disciplinary, personal, controlling/budgetary, treasury, etc. coordination issues.

Positions reporting directly to the BM:
- Wholesale Representative
- Retail
- Marketing
- Customer Service

It is understood that all marketing, sales, distribution and communication issues are also coordinated with the Country Manager. The Country Manager must be informed well in advance of all suggestions regarding changes of a Brand’s marketing strategy in the country. If the Country Manager is after discussions not in agreement with certain directions within such fields, she can bring the issue on the level of KL/EKL (Group Executive Management Board).

Coordination / Information
- The Brand Manager is coordinating his/her activities with the other Brand Managers in the country organization, in order to gain synergy and efficiency wherever possible.
- She/He informs their collogues, the Country Manager as well as the Brand HQ of all and every extraordinary events and major changes of the competition situation.

労働条件 ■ 処遇条件/Work Condition
雇用形態:正社員(試用期間3 か月。その間の給与・待遇に変わりはありません。)
給与:年俸制(12 分割にて毎月支給)

通勤費:会社が認める合理的・経済的な経路に基づく6 か月通勤定期代
勤務時間:7 時間30 分(フレックスタイム制。コアタイム11:00 - 15:00)
休憩時間:60 分(12:30 - 13:30)
休日・休暇:完全週休2 日制(土・日・祝日)※2020 年度年間休日124 日
夏季休暇3 日(6 月~9 月の間に連続して取得)、年末年始休暇(12 月30 日~1 月3 日)、
慶弔休暇、療養休暇(最大20 日)
有給休暇:入社日に最大15 日(入社月により日数は異なります。)
勤務地:中央区銀座7-9-18 ニコラス・G・ハイエック センター

■ 福利厚生・研修/Benefits・Training
・各種社会保険完備(健康保険、厚生年金保険、 雇用保険、 労災保険)
・長期障害所得補償保険(GLTD) 、海外旅行傷害保険(海外出張時に付保)
・自己啓発支援制度 (語学、e-learning、通信教育、資格取得奨励金)


Candidate profile
- Several years of experience in sales & distribution or (operational) marketing of brand/life style products to the Brand‘s target customer segment in the Japanese market
- Fluent in English (spoken/written)
- Experience in working hands on
- Experience with foreign (ideally european) HQs
- Experience in Management
- Leadership
- Good Communication skill


Luxury Industry

アピールポイント 外資系企業 産休・育休取得実績あり 教育・研修制度充実 管理職・マネージャー 完全土日休み フレックスタイム




更新日 2024/09/11
求人番号 3866545


  • スウォッチグループジャパン株式会社
  • 東京都

    • 資本金100百万円
    • 会社規模101-500人
  • その他
  • 小売
  • 会社概要

    【代表者】代表取締役社長 ハイディ・シュ

    ブレゲ / ブランパン / グラスヒュッテ・オリジナル / ジャケ・ドロー / オメガ / ロンジン / ラドー / ティソ / ハミルトン / スウォッチ / フリックフラック

    スウォッチ グループ ジャパン株式会社は、スイス・ビール市に本拠地を持つ世界最大級の時計製造グループであるTHE SWATCH GROUP LTDの100%子会社として、日本において時計・宝飾ブランドなどを取り扱っております。


