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  4.  > 【大手外資製薬メーカー】コールセンターマネージャー【管理職】




年収:1000万 ~ 1500万




  • 東京都

    • 資本金2,104百万円
    • 会社規模501-5000人
  • 医薬品メーカー
  • 医療機器メーカー
部署・役職名 【大手外資製薬メーカー】コールセンターマネージャー【管理職】
仕事内容 Are you passionate about delivering exceptional customer service? Do you have experience managing call center operations? If so, you are the Call Center Manager we are looking for to join our team! Read more and apply today for a life-changing career.

The position
As the Call Center Manager, you will support all customers who needs information/support with regards to our products. You need to oversee daily operations of the call center, ensuring efficient handling of customer inquiry and escalation as needed. You will generate and analyze performance reports, identifying trends, areas for improvement, and best practices to drive strategic decision-making and enhance customer satisfaction. Also, You will manage staffing, scheduling, and resource allocation to meet service level and optimize operational efficiency. In addition, you need to foster open communication and collaboration within the team and across departments to improve overall service delivery and ensure compliance with relevant regulations.
Key responsibility tasks include, but are not limited to:

・Establish customer service strategy and focus on providing user-friendly customer service and channel management, including e.g. the introduction of new digital technologies and FAQ site on Web.
・Share valuable insights from customers with internal stakeholders and make proposals that can be used for business. Maintain existing materials delivered to customers to promote proper use of products.
・Manage daily operations of call center including handing customer calls, replying web form and maintaining Chatbot. Handle escalated and complex customer complaints and improve customer service experience, create engaged customers, and facilitate proper use of our products. Also collect customer ideas/voices and share them with relevant internal stakeholders.
・Ensure accurate response at external customer call center and share FAQs with external customer call center in timely manner. Checking quality of the responses of external customer call center and if needed, giving feedback to improve.
・Develop and implement procedures for handling of safety information and customer complaints and handling safety information and customer complaints adequately in timely manner in order to comply with local regulation and contribute to prevent health damage or customer complaint, by promoting proper use of the products.



Minimum bachelor’s degree (in science or related field is preferred).
Minimum 5 years of experience in pharmaceutical industry and have experience in communicating with customers and with handling customer complaints and safety information, e.g. as a MR, MSL, a pharmacist, a call center agent or marketer.
Team/people management experience is preferred.
Knowledge on regulatory requirements related to drug products and medical devices in Japan (handling safety information and product information etc.)
Good level of written and spoken English, native Japanese is required.

アピールポイント 自社サービス・製品あり 外資系企業 女性管理職実績あり 従業員数1000人以上 創立30年以上 産休・育休取得実績あり ストックオプション制度あり 教育・研修制度充実 管理職・マネージャー 完全土日休み フレックスタイム


更新日 2024/09/19
求人番号 3883952


  • ノボノルディスクファーマ株式会社
  • 東京都

    • 資本金2,104百万円
    • 会社規模501-5000人
  • 医薬品メーカー
  • 医療機器メーカー
  • 会社概要

    We commit to an inclusive recruitment process and equality of opportunity for all our job applicants. We are happy to discuss flexible working, depending on the role and subject to business needs.



    【代表者】キャスパー ブッカ マイルヴァン
    【売上高】1,298億円 (2023年日本法人決算ベース)
    【従業員数】1,135名 (2023年12月末時点)

    医療用医薬品、医療機器の開発、輸入・製造、販売(インスリン、GLP-1、成長ホルモン、 血液凝固因子製剤、それらの投与に必要な注入器や注射針)

