部署・役職名 | Solution sales and execution manager |
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仕事内容 |
Siemens helps in driving your career passion, as we create innovative technologies that transform the everyday for everyone. Siemens is a technology company that responds to the needs of people and communities, leads the digital transformation, drives societal and economic development, overcome sustainability challenges and protects our planet. ■Job Description: • Generates knowledge on the customer's specific strategy and its political and business environment. • Analyses customer's markets, position and needs and investigates specific business opportunities for customer-related product and service portfolio. • Defines and implements the account business plan (3 to 5 years). • Prepares customer contacts and builds and maintains a sound customer-focused network on all strategically relevant hierarchical levels, incl. CEO. • Builds value-oriented offers. • Generates customer-specific products and service portfolio concepts, if suitable across all services of a business. • Initiates, facilitates and contributes to contract negotiations for products, projects and service or solution assignments. • Designs and engineers the solution down to detail to satisfy the specified requirements of the customer. • Configures the components and systems of the solution according to the requirements. • Develops detailed solutions for the integration to ensure the interaction of the individual elements as a functioning unit • Guides team in handling of incoming sales calls requiring price, delivery and / or technical assistance or warranty information. • Develops a quotation process, including preparation, distribution and follow-up of the final proposal. • Develops productivity standards and individual goals, monitors their achievement and prepares productivity and progress reports. • Ensures the implementation of function related strategies, policies and guidelines and/or manages operational activities enabling the exploitation of (vertical and product) markets. • Analyses strategic trends and developments in the industry / vertical markets as a subject matter expert, from all perspectives, i.e. commercially (markets, trends, competitors, offerings, etc.) and technically (products, methodologies, processes, tools, etc.). • Contributes to the development of a corporate or unit business strategy. • Decides and allocates financial and personnel resources. • Manages the development of strategic planning tools and provides and reviews consolidated business forecasts. • Contributes to various projects with a strategic perspective. • Funnels and decides on requested sales portfolio per application / per technology. |
労働条件 |
【勤務地】 〒141-8641 東京都品川区大崎1丁目11番1号 ゲートシティ大崎ウエストタワー ※在宅勤務制度あり 【待遇】 ・基本給年額以外にターゲットインセンティブあり ・住宅手当、家族手当、通勤手当、時間外手当等 ※住宅手当、家族手当の支給有無、支給額は諸条件により可変 【勤務時間】 フレックスタイム制 (標準労働時間1日8時間/コアタイム無し) 【休日・休暇】 ・土曜日および日曜日 ・法律に定められた国民の祝日および休日 ・メーデー(5月1日) ・年末年始休日(12月29日~1月4日) ・年次有給休暇 ・夏季休暇(取得条件あり) ・夏季休暇以外の特別有給休暇 ※その他、就業規則に基づき付与 【社会保険】 ・健康保険、厚生年金保険、雇用保険、労災保険 【福利厚生】 ・総合福祉団体定期保険 ・長期障害所得補償制度 ・企業年金制度(確定拠出年金) ・フィットネスクラブ、自己啓発、育児・介護支援サービスなどの福利厚生サービス ・慶弔見舞金制度 ・福利厚生行事 ・社内クラブ活動(補助金制度あり) ・育児休業・育児短時間勤務・介護休業) ・在宅勤務制度/EAP(従業員支援プログラム)制度 |
応募資格 |
【必須(MUST)】 • Holds outstanding technical/business knowledge that is unique to the company and academic world, and understands markets how customer industries evolve.• Experience in switchgears, with focus on / understanding of IEC standards • Experience in TSOs / DSOs and typical Japanese companies • Sales experience • Solution design experience |
アピールポイント | 成果報酬型 完全土日休み フレックスタイム |
リモートワーク | 可 「可」と表示されている場合でも、「在宅に限る」「一定期間のみ」など、条件は求人によって異なります |
受動喫煙対策 | 屋内禁煙 |
更新日 | 2024/12/18 |
求人番号 | 3929876 |