部署・役職名 | Business Development Director |
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勤務地 | |
仕事内容 |
【Job Overview】 Secure and retain business through professional, consultative, proactive sales activities directed at decision-makers and decision influencers at existing and new clinical sponsors. Will be responsible for multiple CRO line-of-businesses, including clinical trial outsourcing, pharmacovigilance outsourcing, and real-world outsourcing business at our company. Delivery regions will not be limited to just Japan; for example if Japanese customer wanted to outsource upcoming clinical trial in US, BD will work with our US-based colleagues to prepare proposal and award the business to our company. 【Essential Functions】 ・Actively prospect and leverage potential new business opportunities within specified customer account(s). ・Cultivate strong, long-term relationships with key decision-makers within Account and develop in-depth knowledge of the customer organization. ・Maintain general knowledge of all our company services for appropriate cross-sell opportunities. ・Aggressively pursue awareness of competitive activities, positioning and pricing, which includes specific reasons for awards and non-awards. ・Analyze potential opportunities and develop sales plans for each target account. Ensure appropriate strategy/solution is proposed to customer. Monitor actions and results against plans. ・Coordinate with contracts and proposals to develop proposal. ・Work with operations and functional managers to identify sales team and prepares and leads the sales presentation. Educate team participants in customer culture, operational needs/methods and sales techniques needed to close the sale. ・Handle follow-up related to the sale and drive completion of contractual documents. ・Adapt successful strategies and tactics to meet market demands and financial targets. ・Maintain high visibility within customer organization. Monitor customer satisfaction by communicating regularly with customer ・Plan and coordinate all customer sales activities. ・Record all customer sales related activities in CRM system. ・Prepare sales activity report for Sales Management as required. ・Serve as a liaison between the customer and technical and operational groups at our company. |
労働条件 |
【雇用形態】 正社員(試用期間6ヶ月) 【給与】経験・能力・資格等考慮し、弊社規程に則して決定します。 ※年俸制。賞与分も月額基本給に加算された上で毎月12分の1相当額が支給されることになる。 賞与:なし 基本給の見直し:原則年1回(4月) 【勤務地】 東京 【勤務時間】 標準勤務時間9:00~17:30(所定労働時間:7時間30分、休憩 60分) ※フレキシブルワークスタイル、コアタイムなし ・働く場所はオフィスに限らず、自宅や出張先など「効率的で生産性の高い業務を実施できる場所」とします。 ★フレキシブルスタイルワーク(FSW)とは FSW は、自宅やオフィス等働く場所に捉われず効率的で生産性の高い業務を行う勤務形態。標準勤務時間を基本としつつ、深夜時間帯(午後10 時~午前5 時)を除いてフレックスタイム制が適用される。尚、クライアントプロジェクトに従事する社員等、FSW が適用されない場合もある。 【待遇・福利厚生】 ■交通費全額支給 ■時間外勤務手当 ■社会保険完備(健康保険・労災保険・雇用保険・厚生年金保険) ■退職金制度 ■所得補償制度 ■団体生命保険 ■福利厚生倶楽部 ■資格取得支援制度 ■研修制度(導入研修、継続研修、英語研修など) ■英語研修 ■育児短時間勤務:子供が満12歳に達するまでを限度 ■在宅勤務:会議は電話にて参加。 ■EAP など ■定年:満60 歳(60歳に達したとき) 【休日・休暇】 ■完全週休2日制(土・日) ■祝日 ■年末年始 ■年次有給休暇(12日~20日) ■慶弔休暇 ■病気休暇 ■産前産後休暇:出産予定日から6週間、出産の翌日から8週間を産前産後休暇とする ■育児休業:子供が1歳2ヵ月に達するまでを限度とし、本人の申し出た期間休業可能(やむを得ない場合は3歳まで可) ■介護休業 ■女性特別休暇 |
応募資格 |
【必須(MUST)】 【Qualifications】・大卒以上 ・12 years related experience, including 5 years of relevant industry Or ・Equivalent combination of education, training and experience Req ・Proven track record at mid-level and high-level contacts ・Excellent Business/Industry awareness and a thorough understanding of industry trends and impact on the business ・Solid understanding of commercialization and the principles of drug discovery and development ・Excellent analytical skills in assessing and interpreting customer business data ・Ability to maintain demanding timelines ・Ability to influence others internally and externally ・Adaptability and flexibility to changing priorities ・Demonstrated ability to work creatively in a fast-paced environment ・Attention to detail and ability to work simultaneously on multiple priorities ・Ability to work independently and as a team player ・PCスキル:Excel、Word、PowerPoint ・ネイティブレベルの日本語力(読み書き会話) ・ビジネスレベルの英語力(読み書き会話) •・Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with coworkers, managers and clients |
リモートワーク | 可 「可」と表示されている場合でも、「在宅に限る」「一定期間のみ」など、条件は求人によって異なります |
受動喫煙対策 | 屋内禁煙 |
更新日 | 2024/11/06 |
求人番号 | 4010952 |