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  4.  > Finance Manager(ピープルマネジメント無)



Finance Manager(ピープルマネジメント無)

年収:1000万 ~ 1200万


部署・役職名 Finance Manager(ピープルマネジメント無)
仕事内容 <Finance Business partnering>
① Co-pilot to local CEO
② Drive the budget/forecast process with reasonable quality with the sales/operation teams; and avoid surprises.
③ Drive to achieve the budget/forecast together with the sales/operation teams.
④ Deep dive analysis on financials actual vs budget/forecast; with root cause analysis and mitigation action
⑤ Cost control and management, ensure all spending are within approved budget and on need basis.

<Project Review>
① To ensure project review is performed on a monthly basis.
② All action items identified during the project reviews are followed through.

<Service revenue review and closure>
① To ensure review of service revenue/backlog is performed on a monthly basis.
② Ensure costs are reflective of the expected margins.
③ All action items identified during the reviews are followed through.

<Service revenue review and closure>
① To ensure review of service revenue/backlog is performed on a monthly basis.
② Ensure costs are reflective of the expected margins.
③ All action items identified during the reviews are followed through.

<Backlog review and closure>
① To ensure review of backlog is performed on a monthly basis.
② All action items identified during the reviews are followed through.

<Balance sheet management>
① Inventory, ensure proper record in SAP and no wastage
② GR/IR, ensure all GR/IR are <60 days
③ All service WIP are current
④ Accruals, ensure all in current
⑤ All receivables are current

<Quality and timeliness of reporting>
① Timely reporting of management reporting/forecast budget reporting with transparency and reasonable quality
② Highlights concerns and/or issues and mitigation plan

<Internal Control>
① Take lead in internal control matters
② Be well versed with all local processes and work with function managers to address any internal control issues and mitigate accordingly
③ Highlight to local CEO, CRO, RCFO should there be any concerns on internal control

① Co-pilot local CEO to be the 1st line of defense
② Work with local CEO and function managers and ensure compliance to Kuka policy/guidelines as well as statutory compliances
労働条件 ●就業時間:09:00〜17:30(休憩60分)


① 管理会計~財務会計、幅広いファイナンスのご経験
② 上級日常会話レベル~ビジネスレベルの英語能力
③ チームワークがあり、他部署と連携が取れる方




更新日 2024/11/12
求人番号 4024860



  • 3.05
  • ヘッドハンターの氏名は会員のみ表示されます
  • 会社名は会員のみ表示されます

    • 東京都
    • 大手前大学
  • IT・インターネット メーカー 商社
    • 「経理・財務・人事」を専門領域として、デロイトトーマツグループ内のポジションはもちろん、他企業様との協力体制も整え、様々なポジションをご紹介しております。 ジュニアレベル~カントリーマネージャーレベルまで、幅広いご紹介が可能です!
    • (2024/09/11)

