部署・役職名 | EHS Manager (Automotive BU) |
職種 | |
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勤務地 | |
仕事内容 |
【Job Overview】 Our company is a global company (stock in NYSE) which serves multiple industry segments. Automotive BU is the biggest business unit within the company, with annual revenue over 7 Billion USD, across the 3 regions in EMEA, Americas and Asia-Pacific. We’re hiring a EHS Analyst or Manager (Kacho) for Kakegawa Plant, reporting to EHS Manager (Bucho), Automotive, Japan. This role will closely work with EHS management team in China, Japan, ASEAN and Korea, as well as other key function team such as operations, engineering. 【Responsibilities】 1. Focus on EHS legal compliance 2. Good communication, coordination, and leadership to develop plant EHS performance by working with relevant functions 3. Coordinate and communicate with government agency to obtain the necessary permit related to EHS 4. Lead to implement the annual plan 5. Continuously onsite observation to identify the EHS risks and track to be improved 6. Make sure ISO 14001, ISO 45001 management system implement effectively and keep continuously improvement 7. Be familiar with IH (Industrial Hygiene) management, such as hearing conservation 8. Focus on chemical management, especially the high toxic chemical management 9. Be responsible for managing pollution prevention, energy saving and hazardous waste management & minimization 10. Develop and conduct the site-specific EHS training program 11. Maintain and continuously improve the EHS program of JSA (Job Safety Analysis), BBS (Behavior Based Safety), Ergonomics etc. 12. Emergency and Crisis / BCP Management, regularly training and exercises 13. Other tasks assigned by the leader. |
労働条件 |
<給与> ・前給、経験、能力などを十分に考慮し優遇します。 ・昇給年1回 ・インセンティブ年1回 <勤務時間> ・標準労働時間:8:30~17:00 7時間45分 (昼食休憩:45分間) ・フレックス勤務有り (コアタイム:11:30~13:30) <勤務地> ・掛川工場(静岡県掛川市) <休日・休暇> ・年間休日129~131日(カレンダーによる) ・完全週休2日制(土・日) ・祝日 ・夏季休暇 ・年末年始休暇 ・有給休暇 ・傷病休暇 ・慶弔休暇 ・誕生日休暇 ・創立記念日 ・リフレッシュ休暇 ・ゆとり休暇 ・産前、産後休暇 ・育児休業 ・介護休業 <社会保険> ・社保完 <待遇・福利厚生> ・残業手当(管理職の場合、深夜勤務手当のみ) ・食事手当 ・リモートワーク手当 ・交通費支給 ・退職金制度 ・財形貯蓄制度 ・慶弔見舞金 ・宿泊施設利用補助金 ・奨学金 ・社員食堂 |
応募資格 |
【必須(MUST)】 【Qualifications】1. Bachelor's degree or above with major in Safety, Environment or IH (industrial Hygiene) 2. More than 5 years’ experience in a multinational manufacturing company and at least 2 years team management experience. 3. Familiar with laws and regulations of local government and administrative bureaus in EHS area 4. Industry experiences in MFG (mechanical, electronics, chemical, etc) 5. Familiar with machine guarding & LOTO requirements and chemical management. 6. Strong leadership, responsibility, and initiative 7. Good communication and coordination ability. 8. Excellent EHS professional knowledge of onsite EHS management 9. Strong communication skill needed with cross-country team 10. Pro-active and fast speed of learning skill 11. Travel expected, especially within Asia-Pacific region 12. Fluent Japanese and intermediate English are required, other language such as Chinese/Korean would be good plus |
アピールポイント | 自社サービス・製品あり 外資系企業 女性管理職実績あり 上場企業 従業員数1000人以上 シェアトップクラス 2年連続売り上げ10%以上UP 創立30年以上 年間休日120日以上 産休・育休取得実績あり ストックオプション制度あり 資格支援制度充実 管理職・マネージャー 完全土日休み フレックスタイム |
リモートワーク | 可 「可」と表示されている場合でも、「在宅に限る」「一定期間のみ」など、条件は求人によって異なります |
受動喫煙対策 | 屋内禁煙 |
更新日 | 2024/11/14 |
求人番号 | 4031639 |