部署・役職名 | Distribution Excellence, Director |
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仕事内容 |
【職務内容】 (雇入れ直後 / Immediately after hiring) ■PURPOSE/SUMMARY The Distribution Excellence, Leader is responsible for developing, maintaining, and continuously improving the Global Distribution areas of business partnering, process management, continuous improvement, analytics, portfolio management, and distribution technology processes. They will work globally with function leaders globally and regionally to ensure implementation of strategies and initiatives. Resulting in improved Supply Chain Distribution service levels, quality, performance, and process efficiency contributing to higher supply chain satisfaction and improved top and bottom line financials . ■PRIMARY DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES lead an expert organization with the primarily task to establish and drive continuous improvement culture within the CMSO function in alignment with Corporate (GTOM) and CMSO strategy and with focus on business needs including Compliance, Operational Excellence and maximizing overall operational efficiency. This position will also ensure that common continuous improvement standards, language and training are being agreed, aligned and adhered to globally. ・Lead business partnering efforts with Commercial Divisions and Business Units globally and regionally for Distribution function. ・Lead Distribution long and short term strategy creation aligned to SCM, CMSO and Olympus strategy. Enable prioritization discussion and decisions aligned to SCM and CMSO strategy and objectives. ・Support budgeting activities for Distribution functions for annual and long term planning processes. ・Establish and drive continuous improvement culture within Distribution function in alignment with CMSO strategy and with focus on business needs including Analytics, Quality, Compliance, Operational Excellence, and maximizing overall operational efficiency. ・Accountable for implementation of a continuous improvement strategy and framework, utilizing and popularizing continuous improvement methodologies such as but not limited to Lean, TPS, Six Sigma, problem solving techniques. ・Foster a network of Excellence experts within Supply Chain and establish collaboration models with CMSO Excellence functions and regional supply chain organizations. ・Establish programs within Distribution for improving critical KPIs in terms of quality, productivity, cost efficiency closely aligned to SCM and CMSO strategy. ・Provide leadership support and guidance to the Distribution Excellence teams and mitigate conflicts, if needed on global and regional levels. ・Ensure that common Excellence standards, language and trainings are being agreed, aligned and adhered to globally. ・Oversee the department for process standardization of Business Processes and Quality relevant processes for Distributions processes. ・Ensure frameworks for process management, design, implementation, and monitoring based on industry best practices are implemented across Distribution globally. ・Work with the Training and Development team to create relevant training material to conduct the necessary global training programs as part of standard roll-out of processes and development training for SCM and Distribution teams. ■SUPERVISOR RESPONSIBILITIES ・3-5 direct reports ・5-10 indirect reports ・Regional matrix reports ■COMPETENCIES ・Strategic Mindset ・Customer Focus ・Cultivates Innovation ・Situational Adaptability ・Driving Continuous Improvement (変更の範囲 / Scope of change) 会社の定める業務 Business as defined by the company |
労働条件 |
【雇用形態】 正社員(試用期間3ヶ月:待遇の変更はなし) 【勤務時間】 8:45~17:30 (休憩:昼45分) 標準労働時間8時間 ※フレックスタイム制度あり/コアタイム11:15~13:30(管理職採用の場合対象外) ※時短勤務制度あり ※テレワーク勤務あり・時間外労働あり 【休暇・休日】 ・休日 :土日祝、年末年始、GW、夏期休暇 ・年間休日:129日(自社カレンダーに応ず) ・有給休暇:20日間の年次有給休暇を付与。 ※入社初年度は入社月にて変動します(最大20日) ※時間単位での取得も可能です(一部条件有) ・育産休暇:取得実績あり(2022年度育児休暇取得率:女性94%※1、男性70.2%) ・特別休暇:結婚、出産、忌引き、転勤 など ・私傷病特別休暇 ・治療との両立に伴う特別休暇(厚労省が支援を推奨する疾病に対して、特別休暇を付与) ・リフレッシュプラン ※対象年度の出産者の育児休業取得率は100%であるが、出産者の産後休暇が期間内に含まれるため94%となっています。 【想定年収・手当】 1200万円~2000万円 ※想定年収については、目安です。ご経験やスキルに応じて当社の処遇基準にて決定いたします。 手当:交通費支給、次世代手当(管理職採用の場合対象外)、在宅勤務手当など 【保険】 社会保険完備(雇用保険、健康保険、厚生年金、介護保険、労災保険) 【福利厚生】※1 退職金制度:確定給付企業年金、確定拠出年金 育児サポート:企業内託児所、出産祝い金、ベビーシッター補助※2 その他:従業員持株会、財形貯蓄、カフェテリアプラン※3、社内食堂、社外シェアオフィス、健康診断※4、団体保険 ※1)記載の福利厚生については各種規定、条件がございます ※2)内閣府企業主導型ベビーシッター利用支援事業 ※3)自己啓発、健康増進、育児・介護支援など様々なメニューから選択して利用できます ※4)35歳以上の方は健康診断で内視鏡検査を受診する場合は全額補助が出ます |
応募資格 |
【必須(MUST)】 ■MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS◆Education ・Bachelor’s degree or equivalent knowledge and experience in supply chain management, operations management, manufacturing, operations strategy, operational excellence or other relevant field of study and experience ・Advanced master degree preferred. ・Lean or Six Sigma certification preferred. ・Project management certifications preferred. ◆Experience ・10~15 years of progressive leadership experience, with proven track record in management, operations management, business process optimization, or process improvement, with measurable outcomes; with demonstrated focus and proficiency in change and stakeholder management. Experience with working, communicating, and facilitating across multiple layers of organizational structure; demonstrating comfort with both front-line employees and Executive or C-Level stakeholders. ・10-15 years’ experience leading a multi-entity/business supply chain or distribution function. ・Minimum 10 years people management experience required. ・Experience developing and implementing supply chain distribution programs, policies and procedures, and transforming an organization within a multi-national organization. ◆Skills ・Excellent verbal and written communication ability in English ・Strong collaborator and influencer with effective interpersonal and analytical skills who is able to work seamlessly across countries, cultures, and organizational units. ◆Other Considerations ・International and domestic travel is required 【歓迎(WANT)】 【選考フロー】※適性検査の有無、面接回数は求人(職種)により異なりますので、予めご了承ください ※本ポジションは選考にあたり英文レジュメのご提出が必須となります。日本語の履歴書・職務経歴書と併せて、ご提出をお願いいたします。 書類選考→面接:4回程度(ポジションに応じて増える可能性があります) ※1次または最終面接のどちらかで1回の対面面接を想定しております |
アピールポイント | 自社サービス・製品あり 日系グローバル企業 女性管理職実績あり 上場企業 従業員数1000人以上 シェアトップクラス 創立30年以上 年間休日120日以上 産休・育休取得実績あり 教育・研修制度充実 管理職・マネージャー 完全土日休み |
リモートワーク | 可 「可」と表示されている場合でも、「在宅に限る」「一定期間のみ」など、条件は求人によって異なります |
受動喫煙対策 | 屋内禁煙 |
更新日 | 2024/11/25 |
求人番号 | 4074714 |