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  4.  > Senior Enterprise Architect



Senior Enterprise Architect

年収:800万 ~ 1300万




  • 東京都

    • 資本金2,380百万円
    • 会社規模101-500人
  • インターネットサービス
  • ソフトウエア
  • その他
部署・役職名 Senior Enterprise Architect
仕事内容 【Business content / 業務内容】
As an Enterprise Architect, you are responsible for identifying problems and needs within the overall organizational IT strategy and direction. You will interface directly with teams across the entire organization, both business and technical, in order to identify and understand pain points and weaknesses (security, operational, etc.), and then propose improvements and solutions which will improve the overall health of the technical strategy and direction of the organization.


【Responsibilities include / 具体的な業務内容】
・Creation of IT standards that help the organization achieve a level of excellence in domains like security and operations, while simultaneously finding ways to preserve the freedom of developers to explore and experiment

・Discovery, inventory, and categorization of existing IT solutions throughout the organization

・Identification of duplicate tool sets throughout the organization (multiple teams accomplishing generally the same goals using different tools), and then plan and execute the reduction of such duplicate tools while minimizing negative impacts to teams

・Evaluation of business goals from a technical perspective before promises are made to customers to ensure that a business obligation does not introduce unexpected or unwanted impacts to overall technical management

・Establish, lead, and facilitate an organization-wide “Architecture Review Board” to begin evaluating if the proposed solutions are in-line with overall technical strategy

・Enhance organizational governance by introducing policies and rules which help protect the organization while minimizing impacts on the freedom to explore and experiment

・Ensure that business needs and technical capabilities are kept in line in a way that eliminates wasted costs/energy, secure, and easy to manage, while still enabling all teams to rapidly prototype, develop, and deliver on business requirements.








This is not a hands-on role. This role will help guide the organizational standards for technical strategy, thus it is focused more on analysis and planning. ExaWizards does have numerous hands-on roles available for those seeking roles like DevOps, SRE, and application development.


【What makes this position attractive / このポジションの魅力点】
Enterprise Architecture is a newly created domain in our company, and thus you will be among the first with the access and ability to greatly influence the foundations of technical strategy within the organization. Being a relatively smaller/newer organization means that you will be enabled to introduce potentially sweeping and fundamental changes that will affect and support the organization for years to come. This position also requires organization-wide understanding of different teams, products, and projects, meaning that you will gain a great level of exposure to different areas and domains, which should not only be exciting and fun, but also provide you with ample career and skill set growth opportunities.



・7+ years of experience in IT (not industry-specific)
・2+ years of experience in cloud (not provider-specific)
・2+ years of experience in enterprise architecture / overall technical strategy
・Deep and nuanced understandings of the complexities behind organizational IT strategies, including ability to see how fundamental technical strategy decisions could have domino-effect impacts on other teams
・Excellent understanding of solution architectures and common patterns/designs and associated pros/cons (monolithic vs. microservices, event-driven architecture, cloud-native, cloud-agnostic, etc.). Not a Solutions Architect position, but ample understanding of that field is required.
・Generalist knowledge across all domains of IT (fundamental understanding of all core domains like DNS, IAM, networking, database management, etc.)
・Excellent communication skills in Japanese (written and spoken), accordingly able to work with positivity and empathy towards teams who may not see the big picture topics (helping them understand why the changes we are proposing are needed, etc.), all in Japanese.

・ソリューションアーキテクチャと一般的なパターン/デザイン、およびそれに関連する利点と欠点(モノリシック vs. マイクロサービス、イベント駆動アーキテクチャ、クラウドネイティブ、クラウドアグノスティックなど)に対する理解


・Experience “on the front lines” in two or more distinct specialist domains over your career (i.e. Linux Administration, Web Development, Database Management, etc.)
・At least one Professional-level certification (i.e. AWS Solutions Architect Professional) or equivalent skill/knowledge
・English is a nice-to-have bonus

【Desired Qualifications/求める人物像】
・Ability to articulate, with logic, clarity, and empathy, options for solutions coupled with the reasonings behind those options
・Ability to organize, summarize, and present information based on the intended audience
・Ability to handle unexpected change well (our organization is growing and improving rapidly)

アピールポイント ベンチャー企業 女性管理職実績あり 自社サービス・製品あり 日系グローバル企業 教育・研修制度充実 20代管理職実績あり 年間休日120日以上 産休・育休取得実績あり



更新日 2024/11/28
求人番号 4087583


  • 株式会社エクサウィザーズ
  • 東京都

    • 資本金2,380百万円
    • 会社規模101-500人
  • インターネットサービス
  • ソフトウエア
  • その他
  • 会社概要

    【代表者】春田 真
    【本社所在地】〒108-0023 東京都港区芝浦4丁目2−8 住友不動産三田ファーストビル5階


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