部署・役職名 | 【外資系製薬メーカー】 Senior Data Scientist/Data Scientist, Medical本部 EOR |
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仕事内容 |
■Job Description Japan EOR Senior Data Scientist is an expert role to provide scientific expertise in evidence generation so that key research questions are sufficiently addressed, and all research are planned and delivered in a way that represent cutting-edge science, methodologies, technologies, processes, and solutions in the Pharm industry. Senior Data Scientist reports to director of Data Science, EOR. 1. Lead/co-leading of observational/database research and data analytics 2. Assessment of study design/target population/data source/data handling/analytical method and give suitable inputs from an epidemiological point of view 3. Oversight of venders (timeline management, quality of outputs, resource, & budget) 4. Survey & assess the necessary information for database and recommend database that fits for research/analytical purpose |
労働条件 |
■ 雇用形態:正社員 ■ 契約期間:期間の定めなし ■ 試用期間:あり(6カ月)※試用期間中も待遇・条件に差異はございません。 ■ 勤務時間 標準勤務時間帯: 9:00~17:15 (所定労働時間:7時間15分) 休憩時間:60分 フレックスタイム制度あり(コアタイムなし) 在宅勤務制度あり ■ 休日・休暇 完全週休2日制(休日は土日祝日) 年次有給休暇:4日~20日(下限日数は入社直後の付与日数。入社月により異なります) 年間休日:125日 (2024年度) その他休暇:年末年始、慶弔休暇、赴任休暇、私傷病休暇、ボランティア休暇、他 ■ 社会保険 健康保険 雇用保険 労災保険 厚生年金 ■ 福利厚生 退職金制度(確定拠出年金・前払いあり) 医療保険、総合福祉団体保険(生命保険)、健康診断、 出産育児支援休暇(自己又は配偶者の妊娠期間中、または育児休業終了時(育児休業を取得しない場合には産後1年以内)に限り、連続して2週間(暦日)の出産育児支援休暇を3回)等 従業員持株会、慶弔見舞金、財形貯蓄制度 福利厚生クラブ(リロクラブ)等 ■研修制度・教育プログラム E-learning、英語学習、セルフリーダーシップ研修、コーチング研修、メンタリング、360度フィードバック、キャリア関連のプログラム、選抜型プログラム、グローバル主催のプログラム 他 |
応募資格 |
【必須(MUST)】 【経験 Experience】・Design, analyze, interpret and publish researches for Data Science/Epidemiology/Clinical ・Planning, and managing of database research, and/or leading members (acceptable even if the leadership is primarily focused on the scientific features) ・Responsible for conducting clinical/epidemiologic research, analysis of data, interpreting of the data for efficacy, safety, clinical effectiveness and epidemiological assessments 【資格 License】 ・ PhD or Master degree in public health or equivalent (individuals holding MD/biological/pharmaceutical science degree may be acceptable, but should have had the sufficient experience specialized in clinical development/epidemiological research) 【能力 Skill-set】 • Apply appropriate study design & analytical methods to observational / Epidemiological / pragmatic interventional studies to combine business and scientific agenda • Lead the interpretation of the scientific data, the translation to the appropriate messaging and drafting manuscript of relevant scientific publications • Take a leadership in analyzing medical evidence gap, spotting opportunities/requirements for evidence generation and integrate them into a clear evidence plan/option in the cross-functional team • Assess scientific feasibility in using/integrating databases for the research purposes • Fundamental project management capabilities in planning, initiating and controlling the projects, and applying the tools/frameworks/concepts to drive the effectiveness/performance of project teams • Effective communication and interpersonal skills to enable effective leadership, coaching and collaborations 【語学 Languages】 日本語 Japanese: • Read/write scientific documents including data speculation in Japanese • Communicate/discuss IT/bioinformatics topics with the key stakeholders and experts in Japanese practically 英語 English: • Read/write scientific documents including data speculation in English • Communicate, and discuss IT/bioinformatics topics with the key stakeholders and experts in English practically • Make a English presentation leading and facilitating research discussions in the global meetings 【その他 Others】 • Make training plan about applications • Harmonize process with global • Communicate with external experts to search for suitable computer environment in our company • Learn new methodology and knowledge with respect to machine learning and neural network 【歓迎(WANT)】 【経験 Experience】・Reviewing, assessing and using Real-World Data for the research purposes to address clinical/research questions ・Networking, integrating and using EMR(electronic medical records)/EHR(electronic health record) data for the clinical /epidemiological research ・Using/applying bioinformatics methodologies to analyze medical big data/database/scientific research 【資格 License】 ・MD degree is desirable on top of the public health 【能力 Skill-set】 ・ Apply health technology assessments to make clear drug characteristics 面接はすべて日本語で実施予定です。 |
アピールポイント | 完全土日休み フレックスタイム |
リモートワーク | 可 「可」と表示されている場合でも、「在宅に限る」「一定期間のみ」など、条件は求人によって異なります |
受動喫煙対策 | その他 「就業場所が屋外である」、「就業場所によって対策内容が異なる」、「対策内容は採用時までに通知する」 などの場合がその他となります。面接時に詳しい内容をご確認ください |
更新日 | 2024/12/03 |
求人番号 | 4088409 |