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  4.  > 【テレワーク可】Medical Science Liaison /Heart
  5.  >  Kidney and Metabolism Area



【テレワーク可】Medical Science Liaison /Heart, Kidney and Metabolism Area

年収:1000万 ~ 1200万


部署・役職名 【テレワーク可】Medical Science Liaison /Heart, Kidney and Metabolism Area
仕事内容 【具体的な業務内容(概要)】
・疾患領域に精通する医師に対して,上市後の適正使用推進に役立てるinsightsを得るScientific Interviews/Scientific Exchange活動を実行しています。
・また,特定の医師とのコミュニケーション,アドバイザリーボード会議,公表論文等から,継続的にプロダクトのUnmet medical needsを探求することが求められます。
・将来のMedical Activitiesの立案に必要な情報を集約し,外部のステークホルダーとの協働により長期的な視野を持ってプロジェクトの計画ができる人材を求めています。

Basic Purpose of the job
1 . To maximize product value through scientific exchange via achieving scientific objective in the responsible therapeutic area 
2. To provide information to meet medical, scientific needs and research support from physicians / other medical personnel in the responsible therapeutic area

Related Performace Indicators
1 . To build activity plan
-To identify physicians in the responsible therapeutic area and revise list accordingly
-To develop appropriate engagement plan for physicians in the responsible therapeutic area
2 To record and excute engagement plan
-To conduct scentific interview/scientific exchange in order to gain insight on responsible product and to create appropriate contents. Also, to share insight including latest information from congress, etc. with relevant departments to develop strategies and action plans
-To support planning and organization of advisory board for execution in the responsible therapeutic area as well as planning and implementation of meetings
-To build and sustain positive relations with physicians throughout product life cycle via regular contact and communication
3 . To provide support for research and data building
-To create new scientific data in consideration of feasibility, scientific appropriateness and ethics in order to fill data gap and unmet needs
-Support clinical/non-clinical research as liaison based on reques
4. To provide scientific data on approved/unappro ved/off-label products based on customer's request
-To create appropriate contents based on request and scientiic question from medical personnel as well as to provide appropriate information on top of full approval within responsible therapeutic area
5. To comply with Code of Conduct / Laws and Regulations
-To understand and comply with regulations and industry rules (promotional codes, fair competition rules, privacy, data collection/storage, etc.) as well as related SOP
労働条件 雇用形態:正社員 ※試用期間:3カ月
ポジション・役割:スタッフまたは非ラインマネージャー/Staff or Non-Line Manager

Full-time employee ; Trial period: 3 months
Work location: Head office: Shinagawa-ku (Tokyo), and othrts (Nagoya, Osaka, Fukuoka )
Working hours: 8:45-17:20 (including 45-minute break) for 7 hours and 50 minutes, with flexible working hours depending on work conditions
*Flexible working hours (no core time)
*Telework mainly
*Staff employees receive overtime pay
 中日本グループ(1名):名古屋 or 大阪 or 東京駐在
 西日本グループ(1名):大阪 or 福岡駐在勤務地
勤務時間:8時45分~17時20分 (休憩45分含む)の7時間50分 を基本とし、業務状況に応じてフレキシブルに勤務可能

Expected annual salary (guideline): 7 million to 12 million yen

Benefits and Employee Benefits:
All types of social insurance (health insurance, pension insurance, employment insurance, worker's accident insurance)
Childcare support, medical expenses subsidies (including spouses and dependents), and rental subsidies., etc

Holidays: 2 days off per week, 120+ days off per year



1 従事すべき業務の変更の範囲:会社内での全ての業務を命じることがある。
2 就業の場所の変更の範囲:当社の全事業場および出向先・派遣先としての他の会社・法人・団体(在宅勤務を行う場所を含む)への異動を命じることがある。


Capabilities (Skills, Experience and Competencies):
・Excellent communication with external and internal stakeholders.
・Experience in medical affairs or medical science liason activities for Cardio-Renak-Metabolism related products is perferable.
・High reading cpmprehension of scentific literature and presentation skills.
・Agile and effective working style in a fast-paced and changing enviroment.



 ※TOEICスコア730以上、Versantスコア46(CEFR B1相当)以上(目安)






更新日 2024/12/11
求人番号 4144833



