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  5.  >  Solutions Sales Division



Global Business Strategy Department, Solutions Sales Division

年収:1000万 ~ 1500万




  • 東京都

    • 資本金50,000百万円
    • 会社規模5001人以上
  • 損害保険
  • 建設・建築・土木
  • 不動産仲介
  • 不動産管理
  • その他
  • 流通
  • 旅行・観光
  • ホテル
  • 外食
  • その他
  • 陸運
  • 倉庫
部署・役職名 Global Business Strategy Department, Solutions Sales Division
仕事内容 [Recruiting departments]
Global Business Strategy Department, Solutions Sales Division

[Background of recruitment]
In the group's medium-term management plan "Sustainability Transformation 2030 ~1st Stage~" announced in February 2024, we position our global business (cross-border transportation to and from Japan and businesses of overseas local subsidiaries) and 3PL business (warehousing, inventory management, distribution processing, and businesses that participate in and support client companies' logistics planning; synonymous with contract logistics) as future growth areas.
Against this backdrop, the Solutions Sales Section of the Global Business Strategy Department is proactively conducting solutions sales activities, including consulting, from the perspective of optimizing client companies' supply chains.
Our mission is to design and propose custom-made solutions in line with customer requirements, such as optimizing inventory bases (networks) using digital twins and providing logistics services such as warehousing, transportation and delivery, including forwarding (international multimodal transport) aimed at visualizing global SCM. Currently, we need to expand and strengthen our organization due to the sharp increase in inquiries from many client companies, and we would like to continue recruiting in the future.

[Department information: Global Business Strategy Department]
Our employees’ range in age from their late 20s to their 50s, and are full of unique personalities with diverse backgrounds. Many of our employees join us mid-career, and we have an open and friendly environment where people are quick to speak up and help each other out when they are in trouble.

-In our solution sales activities, we define the process and level of difficulty as follows, from channel creation to approaching customers, closing the deal, and support after the solution is implemented.
-The numbers in parentheses indicate the level of difficulty (special high, high, medium).

(1) Solution development and sales phase
① (New) Sales channel development (High)
②Extraction of opportunities to provide solutions (High)
③Sales approach to customers (High)
④Gaining trust from customers (Special High)
⑤Provide customer value proposition (Special High)
⑥Acquiring projects (Special High)

(2) Design and implementation (project management) phase
⑦Project launch (Special High)
⑧Securing project funds (High)
⑨Project completion (Special High)
⑩Operation start-up (special high)

(3) Operation and improvement phase
⑪Stabilize operation (Medium)
⑫Profit assurance (High)
⑬Have a return on investment (High)
⑭Customer Management (High)

-In the above process, the Solution Sales Department is expected to not only complete steps (1) and (2), but also lead the entire process up to customer management after the solution is implemented.
-In our company's activities, we would like you to embody a thorough "customer perspective" and "differentiation" from competitors in your own activities.

[Major duties]
The main duties of the Solutions Sales Department are as follows:
(1) New project development
①Formulate strategies for each area and customer, and develop and execute roadmaps to achieve profit targets.
②Develop new customers in your area of responsibility.
(Serves as the lead in handling `requests for proposals` from clients, including RFIs, RFQs, and RFPs)
③When launching a new project, you will lead the organization as a project manager.

(2) Existing customer management
①Build and maintain relationships of trust with your customers.
②Act as a liaison for assigned customers and provide cross-organizational solutions.
③Identify up-sell and cross-sell opportunities for assigned customers to maximize profit opportunities.

(3) Improving customer experience
①Understand customer business needs thoroughly to provide tailored solutions.
②We will involve relevant departments and stakeholders of our company and our customers to build relationships that will enable us to provide continuous customer satisfaction.
③Use NPS (Net Promoter Score) to quantitatively grasp customer satisfaction and take actions to improve it.

(4) Marketing activities and understanding of market trends
①We will stay up to date on our own and our customers' industry trends and the competitive environment through seminars, webinars, events, and interactions with other companies in the same industry, and share this information within the company.
②Through the above activities, we respond to market changes, share industry insights from the perspective of our clients, and propose optimal solutions in a timely manner.

(5) Budget formulation and activity analysis and reporting
①We will formulate an annual budget and always work towards achieving it.
②Analyze the sales and profit performance of your clients and share this information internally on a regular basis.
③We identify areas for improvement from the analysis results and implement measures to increase profits.

You will be assigned to a team to carry out the above activities. If you are hired as a manager, you will act as a leader and mentor for your subordinates and members of other departments.

[The difficulty of the job]
-Pursue a customer-first approach
-Thoroughly eliminate illogical waste inside and outside the company
-Always use your "head," "convince (others)," and "create (materials)," and eliminate critics.
-Always speak out to make your own value apparent

労働条件 [Whether or not you will be transferred]
No principle
*However, there is a possibility of transfer due to department transfer, organizational restructuring, office relocation, etc.

[Employment status]
Full-time employee

[Additional Employment Status]
No set employment period

Probation period]
3 months

[Probation Period Supplement]
There will be no change in salary and benefits.

<120 days of annual leave>
■Shift system: 2 days off per week, 8 to 11 days per month
■Holidays ■Celebration and condolence leave
■Special leave ■Refreshment leave
■Childcare leave system ■Nursing care leave system
■ Maternity leave (there is a track record of taking and returning to work)
■ Paid vacation (5 days upon joining the company, 9 days after 3 months, the number of paid vacation days after 3 months varies depending on when you joined the company)

?Long-term/consecutive vacation acquisition system: There are measures to encourage employees to take vacations, such as "1-week consecutive vacation"! Once a year, everyone is given a 1-week consecutive vacation. Many employees take advantage of this to go on family trips.

■Salary increase: once a year ■Bonus: twice a year
■Complete social insurance (employment, industrial accident, health, welfare pension)
■ Commuting expenses (one round trip for the application route x number of days you attend work. Separate allowances are available when working from home)
■Full overtime allowance ■Dependent allowance
■Regional allowance ■Position allowance
■Telecommuting allowance
■Yamato Group Insurance System
■There is a system for providing condolence money for weddings, births, and school entrance.
■ Retirement benefits system ■ Employee savings system
■Employee stock ownership plan ■Defined contribution pension plan
■Automobile insurance discount system ■Position candidacy system
■Childcare/Nursing care short-time work system ■Recreation facility

[Working hours]
A flextime system is in place, allowing employees to decide their own starting and finishing times and working hours each day within a set monthly time range.
Standard working hours: 8 hours
[Flexible time] 7:30-11:00, 15:00-21:00
[Core time] 11:00-12:00, 13:00-15:00
*Overtime: Average of 30 to 35 hours per month

[Work location]
Nishi-Shinbashi 1-chome Building, 1-24-14 Nishi-Shinbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo

*Due to the reconstruction of the Ginza head office, the head office was relocated to Nishi-Shinbashi.
The facility is scheduled to be relocated once reconstruction is complete in fiscal year 2024.

・5 minutes walk from Exit 4 of Toranomon Station on the Tokyo Metro Ginza Line
・8 minutes walk from Shinbashi Station on the JR lines


[Application requirements] (must have any of the following experience)
①Strong communication skills and experience in SCM and logistics service consulting, sales, planning/development, and vendor management (3 years or more)
②Experience working for a logistics company related to global forwarding, import/export, and customs clearance
③Experience in warehouse operations, business design (including creating estimates), implementation, and on-site management
④Experience using, designing and building logistics-related systems (e.g., WMS, TMS, AGV, Digital Twins)
⑤Practical experience in responding to RFPs and project management
⑥Experience managing subordinates
⑦Ability to communicate in English

アピールポイント 自社サービス・製品あり 女性管理職実績あり 20代管理職実績あり 上場企業 従業員数1000人以上 シェアトップクラス 創立30年以上 年間休日120日以上 産休・育休取得実績あり 教育・研修制度充実 資格支援制度充実 新規事業 海外事業 フレックスタイム



更新日 2024/12/27
求人番号 4226428


  • ヤマト運輸株式会社
  • 東京都

    • 資本金50,000百万円
    • 会社規模5001人以上
  • 損害保険
  • 建設・建築・土木
  • 不動産仲介
  • 不動産管理
  • その他
  • 流通
  • 旅行・観光
  • ホテル
  • 外食
  • その他
  • 陸運
  • 倉庫
  • 会社概要

    【代表者】代表取締役社長 社長執行役員 長尾 裕

     ⑴ 食料品、衣料品、装身具、日用品雑貨、家具、室内外装飾品、調理器具、健康機器、
     ⑵ 書籍、文房具、事務用品、教育機器および教材、楽器、スポーツ用品、玩具、紙・紙
     ⑶ 時計、カメラ、眼鏡、光学機器
     ⑷ 美術工芸品、骨董品、古物
     ⑸ 化粧品、塗料、染料、顔料、香料、入浴剤
     ⑹ 種苗、植木、花、肥料、園芸用品、飼料、農機具
     ⑺ 自動車、自動車用品、自転車、石油、油脂
     ⑻ 上記以外の農産物、水産物、畜産物

    代表取締役社長 社長執行役員 長尾 裕(ながお ゆたか)
    1988年4月 当社入社
    2010年4月 ヤマト運輸株式会社 執行役員
    2013年4月 同社常務執行役員
    2015年4月 同社代表取締役社長 社長執行役員 兼 当社執行役員
    2017年6月 同社代表取締役社長 社長執行役員 兼 当社取締役 執行役員
    2019年4月 当社代表取締役社長 社長執行役員
    2021年4月 当社代表取締役社長 社長執行役員 兼 ヤマト運輸株式会社 代表取締役社長 社長執行役員

